The weather cannot make up its mind today. I spent most of my morning standing on Walney Island as a marshal for the Walney Fun Run with the wind blowing (although maybe not as hard as it could have done)…
Sunday Poem – Myra Schneider
Evening all – I’m writing this feeling very sorry for myself. I started writing it about 5.30 in a burst of enthusiasm and determination not to be up till all hours finishing it off, but I went upstairs to get…
Sunday Poem – Rebecca Gethin
Evening all – you may all be relieved to know that I’m in a much better mood than I was last Sunday and am predicting that there will be no moaning in this blog post, or hardly any moaning anyway! …
Sunday Poem – River Wolton
This week was the last week of term – and it’s been a bit strange. I can often be found counting down till the end of term – especially the Christmas term – I sometimes feel like I’m hanging on…
Sunday Poem – Isabel Bermudez
If feels as if time is accelerating since the start of December – maybe it is because December gets very busy for music teachers and the pressure is now on to get Jingle Bells sounding like Jingle Bells before Christmas…
Sunday Poem – Noel Williams
Evening folks. It has been a strange, and lovely week. I have been kind of overwhelmed by the reaction to my previous post – people have got in touch, both by commenting on the blog – by sending me emails…
Sunday Poem – Paula Cunningham
Morning folks! I am writing this from my hotel room at the Torbay Festival of Poetry I have had a lovely weekend here – on Thursday I drove to Leicester and stayed at my mum and dad’s house for…
Remembrance Sunday and Barrow Brass Band talk…
Sometimes it might seem as if I’m a little detached from what is going on in the world – yesterday I did a huge long post without mentioning Remembrance Sunday. I think this is because when I write on here…