I’ve spent a lovely morning re-reading Carola Luther’s two collections to pick a favourite poem. This is why I started this feature really – to give myself a reason to take time to slow down and read my favourite poets…
Poetry Wivenhoe Hangover
I’m writing from my throne on the sofa, in the throes of a Poetry Wivenhoe hangover. On Thursday, I drove down to Wivenhoe, which was a six hour drive and arrived at my friend Chris Tanner’s house at about six. …
Sunday Poem – Due to disorganisation, you’ll have to put up with a poem from yours truly
Hello everyone – I’ve had a bit of a busy weekend – reading at Lancaster Spotlight on Friday evening, reading at Keswick’s Theatre by the Lake on Saturday afternoon, and then off to Poem and A Pint with the lovely…
Hello all – This week has been my first ‘proper’ week as a part-time teacher instead of full time. I had Monday off after a very full and exciting weekend down at the Inpress Poetry Garden Market. The reading went…
Sunday Poem – Ian Parks
Today’s poem is by Ian Parks – a wonderful northern poet who I met through our mutual friends, David Tait and David Thom. Ian is a lovely, warm person who takes time to encourage others in their poetry as well…
Inpress Poetry Garden Market
This is just going to be a short post, as I am actually meant to be packing. I also need to shower so that I don’t turn up to London all stinky. Tomorrow, I’m off to the Southbank in…
Sunday Poem – Hilda Sheehan
Evening folks. This week’s Sunday poem is by Hilda Sheehan, a lovely lady that I met on the Second Light course a couple of weeks ago. I shared a room with Hilda all week, so thank goodness we hit it…
Gossip and part-time goodness
So since my last post, I’ve been to Bulgaria on a lovely holiday with the hubby. We had a great time, despite there being no air conditioning in our hotel room, and our room being above a kareoke bar, where…
Sunday Poem – Nikola Madzirov
FAST IS THE CENTURY – NIKOLA MADZIROV Fast is the century. If I were wind I would have peeled the bark off the trees and the facades off the buildings in the outskirts. If I were gold, I would have been…
Pamphlet Sales Update….
Evening all… Just a short update on the pamphlet sales I’ve now sold 150 copies And given away about 40 for reviews or to family And swapped about 10 with other pamphleteers – I suppose I should count them as…