I’ve just got back from a run with the dogs. I decided to run through the dunes and then back along the beach. It has been a beautiful day here in Barrow – very hot and sunny. I was running as…
Sunday Poem – Maurice Riordan
A couple of my friends have been saying to me for a while that I need to slow down and start taking it easy and I’ve pretty much been nodding, agreeing but ignoring them. It all caught up with me this week…
Poetry makes nothing happen
It has been a whole month since the last time I wrote on here – this is the longest time I’ve gone without blogging since I started. I didn’t plan to take a break, although at first it seemed necessary.…
Sunday Poem – James Byrne
Diagnosis Inc. – James Byrne You are two oranges shy of sangria You chumpchange in a clackdish You the flensed soldier, egg-runny on the inside You frogging deadline after deadline You caught in a Swiss chokehold You feeding the duckboards…