Kendal Poetry Festival 23rd-26th June One of the reasons why this blog has been particularly quiet (ok, silent) since the New Year is that I am a co-director of Kendal Poetry Festival (along with Clare Shaw) and we found out…
Kendal Poetry Festival
If you’d like a poetry fix and are missing the Sunday Poem, you can head over to Kendal Poetry Festival and check out our ‘News’ tab. We’ve got three Five Minute Interviews up so far with poets that are appearing…
April/May news and the Occasional Poem
I can’t believe it’s been so many weeks since I last blogged! Arrgh…where does the time go etc etc? I’m currently sat on a train but unusually for me it is not the train from Barrow to Manchester across the…
Sunday Poem – Peter Raynard
I’m writing this post today feeling more weary than usual. I’ve had a fantastic week away as the course tutor at The Garsdale Retreat but I am completely exhausted now! The Garsdale Retreat is a new creative writing centre, set up…
Sunday Poem – Hilda Sheehan
This week has been a strange and rather full-on week. Regular readers of this blog will remember that I was slightly panicking last week about my Progression Viva which was on Monday. The journey there was tiresome, annoying and cold. My…
Sunday Poem – Bryony Littlefair
I have somehow, after getting a bit worn down with it, managed to find my way back to enjoying blogging every Sunday again. I found my way back to this place, as with most things, through poetry, through finding poems…
Sunday Poem: Naomi Jaffa
Sunday Poem by Naomi Jaffa
Sunday Poem – Claudine Toutongi
Sunday Poem today from the wonderful Claudine Toutoungi
Sunday Poem – Geraldine Clarkson
Maybe you haven’t noticed, or maybe you have, that there has been a two week break in the blog posts again. I always feel guilty when I don’t blog, and I get a lot of lovely comments and feedback from…
A Review of the 2015 Poetry Carousel
The poet Elisabeth Sennit Clough was one of the 32 participants on last year’s sold out Poetry Carousel. I asked Elisabeth to write an account of what the experience was like. If you’ve been debating about whether to come,…