Another quick blog post with some updates about the Poetry Carousel residential course I’m running from the 7th-10th December 2018 with co-tutors Sean O’Brien, Andrew McMillan and Fiona Sampson. I’m very happy to announce that we have the fantastic…
Guest Poets for the 2017 Poetry Carousel
Another brief interruption of the ’16 Days of Action’ posts. With less than a week to go before the 2017 Poetry Carousel, I thought I’d reveal the mystery guest poets for this year’s course, and the dates and guest tutors…
Sunday Poem – Fiona Sampson
This week has been taken over by finishing off my tax return. I finally got it done on Thursday night and it felt like a huge weight had lifted from me once I pressed submit, even though this meant I…
Sunday Poem – Judy Brown
Evening everybody! I am pleased to report that I am writing this blog post on my brand swanky new laptop! My little netbook finally died last week after five faithful years of service. My PC died about a month ago…