Evening all! It’s been a few weeks since I last blogged. I’ve been busy revising for my PhD viva – or more accurately, panicking about my PhD viva. Lots of people kept telling me that I should enjoy my viva,…
The Passing of a Year
I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I optimistically posted that I would still be blogging, but just not as frequently. Such a lot has happened in that year – I now have a fourteen month old Ally,…
35 Weeks and counting and poetry updates
It’s been a while since I blogged again but I’ve been busy getting more and more pregnant and trying to get as much of my PhD done as possible before the baby arrives. I’m now 35 weeks pregnant and officially…
Sunday Poem – Chrissie Gittins
Going out for a run – procrastination. Playing on addictive computer game involving hatching dragons from eggs in a completely pointless exercise – procrastination. Ringing my mum for a chat – procrastination. Ringing my twin sister for a chat –…