I’m writing this post today feeling more weary than usual. I’ve had a fantastic week away as the course tutor at The Garsdale Retreat but I am completely exhausted now! The Garsdale Retreat is a new creative writing centre, set up…
Sunday Poem – Hilda Sheehan
This week has been a strange and rather full-on week. Regular readers of this blog will remember that I was slightly panicking last week about my Progression Viva which was on Monday. The journey there was tiresome, annoying and cold. My…
Sunday Poem – Bryony Littlefair
I have somehow, after getting a bit worn down with it, managed to find my way back to enjoying blogging every Sunday again. I found my way back to this place, as with most things, through poetry, through finding poems…
Sunday Poem – Chrissie Gittins
Going out for a run – procrastination. Playing on addictive computer game involving hatching dragons from eggs in a completely pointless exercise – procrastination. Ringing my mum for a chat – procrastination. Ringing my twin sister for a chat –…
Sunday Poem: Naomi Jaffa
Sunday Poem by Naomi Jaffa
Sunday Poem – Kate Fox
It has been a strange week for me – the #metoo hashtag on social media has made me sad and angry and hopeful in an exhausting cycle.. Amongst all of this, I’ve had to get on with doing…
Sunday Poem – Rachael Clyne
Today I’ve been to Blackpool to run a 10k race, my first race since Coniston 14 in March when I picked up an IT band injury, and my first 10k since October 2016 when I ran the Lancaster 10k, got…
Sunday Poem – Mike Farren
I’ve been on holiday for the last week in Benidorm with three friends that I run with. Our women’s running holiday is turning into an annual tradition. It feels slightly false to call it a running holiday as 90% of…
Sunday Poem – Mike Barlow
I’ve had another week at home, with no gallivanting around the place, which has been nice, but I’m starting to get slightly itchy feet now. I’m not very good at being in one place! I’ve spent most of the week…
Sunday Poem – Kate Wakeling
I had beautiful clear-white pages in my diary this week. It has been the first week in ages I’ve not been gallivanting around the place. I spent a large portion of it doing my tax return, or more accurately, filling…