Estuary: A Confluence of Art and Poetry, Poem and A Pint, Wordsworth Trust and Residential Course

Evening All – Just a bit of information about some  poetry events coming up –

On the 9th of February we have the wonderful Tony Curtis  coming to read at Poem and A Pint at the Coronation Hall in Ulverston, start time 7.30pm.  Please check the website

11-13th February – Our residential course is taking place at Abbot Hall, Grange over Sands.  There are only four places left on this course so if you’ve been thinking about coming I would book sooner rather than later.  Please check the tab ‘Residential Course-Abbot Hall’ for more information about the type of things we will be doing.

14th February – A celebratory reading for the launch of Estuary: A Confluence of Art and Poetry with readings by myself, Agnes Marton and Rachel McGladdery.  This is a really beautiful book and I’m looking forward to the reading.  The Abbot Hall hotel are offering discounted extra nights for writing course participants, and the reading is the night after the course finishes – just saying…

16th February – David Morley is coming to do a workshop at the Wordsworth Trust!  I only just booked on and there were very few places left – so again, if you’ve been thinking about it and not doing it – get your self in gear!


EstuaryCumbriaFinalEvening everyone – information about a reading that I’m taking part in on February 14th, 2013 to celebrate the launch of a beautiful anthology called ‘Estuary – A Confluence of Art and Poetry”.  This reading is at Abbot Hall Hotel the day after the residential course that I’m running with Jennifer Copley – it would be lovely to see some course participants there – it’s completely free to get in and it’s a beautiful book.


Estuary: A Confluence of Art & Poetry
Published by Moon and Mountain, 2012

Art Editor: Harriette Lawler
Poetry Editor: Agnes Marton

“An estuary is that part of the mouth or lower course of a river in which the river’s current meets the sea’s tide. An abundance of nutrient-rich food is found in this biome. Estuarine environments are among the most productive on earth, creating habitats for 1000s of species to live, feed, and reproduce. 26 artists and 57 poets from around the world have come together in this 120 page, full color book to create an estuary of images and words, art and poetry flowing together.”

Moon and Mountain's website:

The book may be previewed and purchased at: (hardcover) (softcover)

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