Evening all. I’ve dragged myself away from editing my collection with great difficulty tonight to write this post – which is strange because I had to really force myself to start editing. I think I was worried because I knew that there were problems in the manuscript that I needed to sort out and I was panicking, thinking maybe I won’t be able to sort them out, so I didn’t want to start. I’ve sent the collection out to a few poets and I’ve had lovely feedback from them – all of them identified things they weren’t sure about – some of them they even agreed on (without knowing it). Today my good friend Noel Williams wrote to me, sending me 12 pages of detailed feedback, going through each poem and in particular focusing on the order of the poems, which is what I’d asked for help with. So armed with this and combining it with the other feedback I’ve had I’ve finally started sorting the collection out. My method for this is to re-type the whole thing again, which is risky because I could type mistakes in but it is my way of editing. I taught myself to touch type when I was about 17 – probably the most useful skill I ever learnt and I love typing. I like the shapes that words make on the keyboard when you are touch typing and for me it is an important part of editing – it forces me to slow down which is always a good thing.
This afternoon I helped out the Barrow Steelworks Band at a local church service, just playing hymns whilst the congregation sang. I actually quite enjoyed it – one of the congregation read a really lovely extract from ‘the electric bible’ (what ever that is) but the first line was ‘The clouds are the prophets of god’ or something like that. I should have written it down.
This morning my alarm didn’t go off and I woke up at 9.30am which left just time to shove a chocolate croissant down and then jump in the car to get down to Roose to go for a run with the Walney Wind Cheetahs. Because of my disorganisation, I wasn’t in the best of shapes, but I managed 6 miles at a respectable pace. Yesterday I had a go at beating my PB at the 5km park run which is held every Saturday. I managed to knock 11 seconds off – I went from 25mins 13 seconds to 25 minutes 4 seconds…so I’m heading the right way to get under 25.
On Wednesday I met up with poets Keith Hutton and Clare Shaw and non poet Jemima at the Endmoor 10k. Although this race was ridiculously hilly, the organisers provide tea, coffee, squash and cakes at the end to make you forget about the pain. It actually works as well. The weather was so nice, we sat on the field for a while afterwards, planning our ‘Flying Poets’ tour where we are somehow going to combine running and poetry…I’ll tell you more when we know more…
This week in general has been a funny old week. I’ve spent a lot of it driving round to schools and finding I’m not needed or wanted in because the children are on a trip/having a party/doing something more exciting. It’s still been busy though because my quintet, the South Lakes Brass Ensemble had their first performance as guests at my sisters junior band concert. It went really well and I really enjoyed playing.
Poetry-wise, three of the poems from my sequence about domestic violence have been published in Poetry Wales this week, which is apparently out now http://poetrywales.co.uk/currentissue/
I have another three poems out in ‘Poem’ which is out next week http://poemmagazine.org/aboutsubscribe/ and I was excited to learn that one of these poems is also going to be included in an issue of The New Humanist. You can also read the first poem in the sequence, which was published in Poetry News this week on the website here http://www.poetrysociety.org.uk/content/membership/mempoems/membpo14/#Moore
The other exciting thing is that, by my records, I’ve sold personally 476 copies of my pamphlet. I’m not sure how many my publisher has sold. I’ve always wanted to sell 500 copies myself though so it’s looking like I’m on target to get there! If you would like one, head over to the http://kimmoorepoet.wordpress.com/reviews-and-stuff/. It comes wrapped in lovely tissue paper…
This week’s Sunday Poem is another one of the winners of the Poetry Business Pamphlet Competition. I’ve used one of James Caruth’s poems before as the Sunday Poem a while ago, but I asked him for this poem because it made me laugh out loud. Jim’s poetry is beautiful, lyrical and poised. His poems are not loud or show offy – they are usually quietly understated so this poem with it’s exaggerations and swagger seemed to show another weapon in Jim’s armour. This poem also wears its technical achievement lightly – the line breaks are perfectly measured – look at the break at the end of stanza 2 for example after ‘learn’ so we are left hanging, wondering ‘learn what?’ until we reach stanza 3. And the lovely stanza break at the end of stanza 5. All of the line breaks in the poem work to reinforce the humour in the poem, as does the repetition of the outrageous claim about the spider’s size.
James Caruth was born in Belfast and lived there until 1982 before moving to Cape Town, South Africa. He now lives in Sheffield. His first collection ‘A Stones Throw’ was published by Staple Press in 2007 and a long poem sequence ‘Dark Peak’ was published in pamphlet form by Longbarrow Press in 2008. ‘Marking the Lambs’ was published by Smith/Doorstop in 2012. ‘A Spider In The Bath’ comes from Jim’s pamphlet ‘The Death of Narrative’ which was one of the winners of the 2013/14 Poetry Business Pamphlet Competition, judged by Carol Ann Duffy. You can buy Jim’s two latest pamphlets from the Poetry Business website at http://www.poetrybusiness.co.uk/shop/859/the-death-of-narrative-james-caruth
I hope you enjoy the poem.
A Spider In The Bath – James Caruth
I call her to come and look
at a spider in the bath.
A spider as big as my hand.
She tells me it’s nothing.
Nothing! – It’s as big as my hand.
She tells me I must learn
not to exaggerate my fears
but to take deep breaths, confront my anxieties,
see this spider as big as my hand
for what it is and nothing more.
Tegenaria domestica,
which at this time of year, she adds,
is prone to wandering long distances
in search of a mate. And what’s more,
I should note its resilience,
how it will survive in its quest for months
without food or water.
She admires the unwavering intent
to follow desire. I ask her how she knows
so much about this spider as big as my hand.
She looks through me as if studying
a stain she has only just found
on the bathroom tiles,
and says, it has always intrigued her
how, when the act is complete, the female
will turn and eat every last bit of him.
Don’t you just like a poem with a totally clinching last line. You can hear just how well it would go in performance. Well worth waiting up for
Love James Caruth’s work – a lovely poem