After trying to get myself to slow down a little with the Sunday Poems, and take the pressure off a bit, I find myself circling round to them again. The problem is I keep reading too many good poems.…
Garsdale Retreat – 5th-10th March 2018
The next residential I’m running is at the Garsdale Retreat, from the 5th-10th March 2018. The theme of the course is Encounters and Collisions and how to use these in our own writing. We’ll be looking at encounters with animals,…
January Poem 2 – Robert Wrigley
This has been a week full of terriers – literally. I’ve had my sister’s three terriers, Sox, Buffy and Eddie to stay. Added to my two Border Terriers Miles and Lola that makes five excitable dogs in the house. At…
PhD Musings and January Poem 1 – Christina Thatcher
First week of 2018 and I’ve been trying to get back into my routine which has been a bit doomed to failure because of visitors and a left over addiction to a computer game that I started playing over Christmas.…
Goodbye 2017 Hello 2018
I’m a little late for the 2017 roundup, but when have I ever let that stop me? This is what my 2017 looked like: The pink is poetry workshops and teaching – a mix of Dove Cottage Young Poets sessions,…